Northeast Indiana Special Education Cooperative

Continuous Learning Resources updated 07/31/2020
Guidance Resources
Continuous Learning IEP Plan Amendment
Navigating FERPA, COPPA, and CIPA: What You Need to Know to Keep You and Your Students Safe.
Many educational companies are providing limited-time free access to educational programming. These resources have not all been vetted by NEISEC, nor should this be considered an endorsement. Educators should be mindful of digital resources that require teachers or students to create online accounts. Please check with district policies and consider HIPPA, FERPA, and COPPA laws with regards to student privacy BEFORE implementing any of these resources.
ESY Guidance
ESY will be calculated in the same manner it would have been having still been attending school. ESY is for students with disabilities who have difficulty retaining or recouping information due to their disability. It is NOT something we do because schooling was interrupted by a pandemic! All kids have had a loss of education due to COVID 19. All kids will need some “catching up” in the fall. This is not ESY.
Some of you are getting questions from parents regarding ESY. If so, you will need to have a Case Conference and look at the data. YOUR DATA DURING THIS COVID 19 TIME WILL BE CRUCIAL!!!! ( see Progress Monitoring guidance below) It may be that due to the child’s disability, they may need ESY. If so, you’ll need to do it remotely for now. It may be that according to your data, the student doesn’t need ESY. So, no ESY is an acceptable response.
Compensatory Education
Compensatory Education is something that is issued as a remedy by a judge or IDOE legal because the school has failed to provide FAPE. The term isn’t in IDEA or Article 7. No one should owe Compensatory Education due to COVID 19!!
However, if a district willfully refused to educate a child during this unprecedented time, they might owe Compensatory Education. It is my understanding that is NOT the case for ANY of our 13 districts.
Links to Informational Websites
IDOE 2020 COVID-2019 Remote Learning
PATINS Project
Council for Exceptional Children Remote Learning Resources
United States Department of Education
COVID-19 Visuals and Social Stories from IRCA
Social-Emotional Learning Resources from CASEL
Training & Webinars
PATINS Virtual Training Calendar
Indiana IEP Resource Center Virtual Training Calendar
Virtual Learning Resources for Google Hangouts
Offline Learning Resources
From an IT's Perspective, Ideas for Keeping Kids Learning Without Internet
Achieve 3000 Literacy Printable Packets, grades 1-10
Printable At-Home Learning Packets from Curriculum Associates, grades K-8
Ed Helper Printable Packets, K- High School
Using Technology to Adapt Content