Northeast Indiana Special Education Cooperative

How to Request Special Education Testing
For preschool-age referrals,
If the child is preschool age (3-5), the request for testing should be directed to the Northeast Indiana Special Education Cooperative at 260-347-5236.
NEISEC Child Find, Referral for Special Education Services
Any individual (ie: parent, teacher, principal) suspecting that a child has a disability that could require special education services should contact the building principal and/or counselor to discuss options. The school may suggest the following:
Providing additional support in the classroom before a referral to special education.
Reviewing your child’s school performance with the school’s general education intervention team or building-based support team.
Investigating your child’s eligibility for a 504 plan.
Referring your child for a special education evaluation.
Every effort will be made to assist the child at the building level before the school initiates a referral. If strategies fail, the school will seek permission for testing from the parent.
If one or more of the above options is implemented at any time before, during, or after, the parent may request an evaluation to determine whether their child may be eligible for special education services. This request should be communicated to the building principal.
Navigating the Course is an overview and a practical resource to assist families in navigating the special education rules. Questions regarding Child Find can be directed to the Northeast Indiana Special Education Cooperative at 260-347-5236.
For preschool-age referrals,
If the child is preschool age (3-5), the request for testing should be directed to the Northeast Indiana Special Education Cooperative at 260-347-5236.